Salter Photo's

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James and Nina Marcella Eanes Salter

Nina with her children.
Inez, Georgia, Dub, Ruby (my husbands mother), Charles, Henry.

Ruby Salter Harwell, Georgia Salter Weaver, and
their mom Nina Eanes Salter.
Pictuer taken in Fort Worth, Texas
at Renfro Drugs,#11.

Nina Marcella Eanes Salter,Georgia,Henry,Ruby,Charles,Inez

Picture taken at Adrian and Ruby's house in Lipan,Texas

Nina Marcella Eanes Salter married
James Richard Salter November 24,1923 in Texas.
James was born October 7,1904.Died July 24,1963.
Nina was born July 8,1905.Died April 2,1996.
Two children not in pictures are Elson (J.W.)
born April 29,1930. Died December 15,1955.
Vera Pearl was born December 14,1925. Died at birth.

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